Anti-corruption - activities of anti-corruption actors within their powers to prevent corruption, including identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of corruption offenses, as well as identifying, suppressing, disclosing and investigating corruption offenses.
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Anti-corruption standard
About Anti-Corruption Strategy Of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025
In order to further define the main directions of the state anti-corruption policy I DECIDE :
1. To approve the attached Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 (hereinafter - the Strategy).
2. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state bodies directly subordinate and accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, akims of the cities of Astana and Almaty, regions should be guided in their activities by the Strategy and take the necessary measures to implement it.
3. Control over the implementation of this Decree shall be entrusted to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This Decree comes into force from the date of signing.
Republic of Kazakhstan & nbsp; N. Nazarbayev
Astana, Akorda, December 26, 2014
№ 986
"strategy" Kazakhstan-2050": A new political course of an established state " elevates corruption to the rank of a direct threat to national security and aims the state and society to join forces in the fight against this negative phenomenon.
the Main strategic document of our country, reflecting the principled position of Kazakhstan on this important issue, serves as the basis of the state's anti-corruption policy in the coming years.
it is well Known that corruption leads to a decrease in the efficiency of public administration, investment attractiveness of the country, and hinders progressive socio-economic development.
< p align="justify">since the first days of state independence, Kazakhstan has been purposefully and gradually following the course of creating effective anti-corruption institutions and mechanisms that meet international standards.Our country has modern anti-corruption legislation based on the laws "on fighting corruption" and" on public service", a number of program documents are being implemented, a special authorized body has been formed that comprehensively implements functions in the field of public service and anti-corruption, and international cooperation in the field of anti-corruption activities is actively being implemented.
Based on the principles of meritocracy, in which leadership positions are held by capable and professionally trained people, regardless of their social origin and property status, the system of public service has been formed, including with a clear division and definition of the functions and powers of each body and official of the state.
Comprehensive measures have been taken to develop the sphere of public services and informatize the work of the state apparatus, reducing direct contacts between officials and citizens and minimizing conditions for corruption.
The measures taken to improve the standard of living of citizens, the growth of the national economy, improving business conditions, legal literacy and social activity of the population, the introduction of e-government, which allowed Kazakhstan to become one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world, also create prerequisites for the formation of a culture of law-abiding and generally accepted anti-corruption behaviors.
However, the strategic objectives for the further economic growth, improve people's welfare, realization of the ambitious task of entering the top thirty most competitive countries in the world, requires the adoption of a new system of measures based on the modernization of anti-corruption policy and enhancing the role of civil society institutes in its implementation, which would allow to minimize corruption.
In this regard, at this stage, there is a need to adopt a new policy document of the state that defines the anti-corruption strategy (hereinafter – the Strategy or anti-Corruption strategy).
In such a document, the leading role should be given to comprehensive preventive measures that can radically reduce the level of corruption and eliminate the causes and conditions that give rise to it in various spheres of state and society. In other words, the focus should be on eliminating the prerequisites for corruption, rather than fighting its consequences.
Improving the competitiveness of the national economy also requires priority measures to eliminate administrative barriers to business development, effective protection of the rights and legitimate interests of domestic and foreign entrepreneurs working in Kazakhstan from any corruption manifestations.
In General, such a Strategy should cover the main spheres of life of the state and society, provide for the development and implementation of a complex of versatile and consistent anti-corruption measures and, thus, ensure the maximum reduction of corruption at all levels of government, as well as in the private sector, and form an intolerant attitude of Kazakh citizens to this social evil.
At the same time, the basic directions defined by the Strategy cannot be data once and for all. They should be adjusted as individual measures are implemented, taking into account the results of a thorough analysis of the phenomenon of corruption, its causes, the motivation for corrupt behavior, and a serious and objective assessment of the state of Affairs in the fight against corruption.
About the anti-Corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 (download the full version in doc format)