The Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Republican Center for Coordination of Transplantation and High-Tech Services" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the RSE at RCCTVMU) was created to implement the functions of promoting the development of the transplant service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main activity of the Enterprise is the coordination of the transplant service on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Purpose of activity RSE at RCCTVMU is the creation of an effective national system of organ donation and the development of the science of transplantology in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The tasks of the activity of the RSE at RCCTVMU are:
1) coordination of the activities of medical organizations in the field of tissue and (or) organs (parts of organs) transplantation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) participation in the development of normative legal acts regulating the activities of the transplantation service in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) organization of training for specialists of the Enterprise and medical workers involved in the coordination of the transplant service;
4) creation, monitoring and maintenance of the Unified National Register of Donors and Recipients;
5) organization, coordination and conduct of scientific research in the field of transplantation and promotion of other scientific and research activities;
6) cooperation with international organizations in the field of transplantation and related fields.
The main functions of the activities of the RSE at RCCTVMU:
1) interaction with hospitals of medical organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of organizing operational removal and subsequent transplantation of tissue and (or) organs (parts of organs), by emergency departure of surgical teams to provide assistance in collection and transplantation of organs and tissues;
2) development of algorithms for the removal, conservation, transplantation of organs (parts of organs), tissues;
3) development of diagnostic and treatment protocols, medical and economic protocols for the removal and transplantation of organs (parts of organs), tissues from a potential donor;
4) development and implementation of accounting mechanisms for persons who have expressed their consent to the removal of tissue and (or) organs (parts of organs) after death;
5) interaction with health care organizations carrying out medical activities on the determination of tissue compatibility of tissue donors and (or) organs (parts of organs) and recipients, as well as with the infection control laboratory;
6) formation of surgical teams of medical organizations that carry out the collection and transplantation of organs and (or) parts of organs;
7) organization of round-the-clock transportation within the Republic of Kazakhstan of organs (parts of organs), tissues from donors for transplantation to recipients;
8) making suggestions for improving the current regulatory legal acts on donation and transplantation;
9) interaction with the media and non-governmental organizations to promote organ donation among the Republic of Kazakhstan;
10) holding conferences and symposia, seminars, teleconferences with the involvement of domestic and foreign experts for doctors and nurses;
11) interaction with domestic and foreign medical, nongovernmental organizations;
12) print publishing;
13) assistance in the preparation of publications and the dissemination of scientific works and information materials on the problems of transplantology to familiarize the Kazakh and foreign public with research on topical problems of transplantation;
14) participation in the development of teaching aids for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions on transplantation;
15) participation in the development and promotion of the implementation of international, state and regional programs in the field of transplantation;
16) participation in the study of legal and organizational problems of the development of transplantation.
National coordination of the transplant service is carried out around the clock by workers and regional representatives of the RSE at the RCCTVMU. To ensure the coordination of the transplantation service, representative offices have been created in regional centers, large cities, cities of republican significance Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent.
Today, there are 37 donor hospitals in the country where organ harvesting can be carried out, 7 transplant centers licensed to carry out transplant operations. A Unified Register of Donors and Recipients is being created, the register is automating the processes of generating an electronic list of donors, patients on the waiting list, and recipients, as well as business processes of the transplant coordination service. This register will simplify the selection of a donor-recipient pair, it will be done automatically.